The Mystery every Women Carries……!

Harsha Devavarapu
5 min readMay 12, 2022


I recently had a survey with 1500 IT employees all over Hyderabad to find out what Opionions Boys have about periods. The results opened our eyes to the inconsistency of education across the genders when it comes to people’s bodies, especially periods.

Surprisingly 82% of the people have been never taught anything about periods, shockingly 10% of people believe that it is a Sin that came to them from God. Some even believe that it is a Tradition and Culture to see women as untouchable items for those three days, after listening to this answer we are concerned about his Mother, Wife, Sister, and Daugther in his home.

A menstrual shed sits among trees in the village of Narsi

This evasive attitude towards period education is damaging to our society and the way in which opposite genders interact. We strongly believe it’s high time that children have to be given the same level of education in all areas, including the menstrual cycle.

Understanding the Mystery

One of the most important reasons for Period Education regardless of gender is to gain a Scientific understanding of how bodies work. What is the Menstrual cycle and knowing its effects, understanding fertility, pregnancy, and periods will normalize What these are and What do they mean?

Teaching boys how the Menstrual cycle works helps them better understand their Partners, Daughters, Family members, colleagues, or any women around them better

Ok, close your eyes for a second and imagine a world where periods weren’t taboo. Did you see it? Was it bliss? For as long as we can remember, periods have been a punchline for the boys in school, and if you’re unlucky, men in our adult lives also view periods with disgust.

Here is another public survey with some shocking facts Over 90 percent of girls worry about going to school during their time of the month.

Contributing to this are boys who lack understanding of periods and resort to humor, poking fun at girls with period-related jokes and sniggers. These jokes might seem harmless, but they perpetuate shame in young girls. This can lead to girls missing school and sacrificing their education, potentially stunting their career opportunities and self-image.

The below incident shows Why we need to be educated about periods for Boys!

The unnamed man, whose post was shared on the subreddit, Facebook, started out his rant by saying, ‘First of all periods is disgusting’.From there, things only became more unhinged, with him claiming that women’s ‘entire job is to be feminine and aesthetically pleasing, but instead, we’re ‘slunched [sic] over holding [our] gut whining’.

Tearing down the stigma around periods starts with education. Teaching both boys and girls about the way periods work and opening the topic up for constructive discussion is essential for clearing any of the common misconceptions, like that they are gross or that girls are in control of their bleeding

Points to be Memorized

  • Periods affect everyone in life — whether you have periods yourself, or you love somebody who has them. It’s important to talk about periods with both boys, girls, and non-binary children, too.
  • It might be a good idea to keep a stash of products in the house so that you have them to hand when you’re talking about the different options you can use.

In some areas of the world, the point is being proved that involving boys in period education helps to remove stigma, better educate all genders, and build on a sense of solidarity.

The survey is conducted with the Financial Assistance of SAI SRI AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD

To the Team Sai Sri Agro Industries Pvt Ltd

Thank you for your Assitance. We are thrilled to have your support. Through your support we have been able to accomplish Survey and continue working towards the purpose. You truly make the difference for us, and we are extremely grateful

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